



上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司位于上海市泗泾工业园,交通发达,优越的地理条件给企业的发展提供了良好的外部环境。常年库存国厂、进口合金钢种:优质碳素结构钢,低合金高强度结构钢,弹簧钢,易切削钢,轴承钢,高速工具钢,模具钢,耐磨钢,无磁钢,军工钢,钨钢,铝合金,铜合金,锌合金,铅合金,钛合金,软磁合金,哈氏合金等。 上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司是一家集金属材料销售、加工、生产于一体的大型贸易公司。公司自成立以来一直坚守品质至上,客户利益至上这一信念,优质优价的产品,是艾荔艾的生命支柱。年轻的艾荔艾,正如旭日东升,引进高新技术、设备加之严格的进货标准严把产品质量,提高员工素质,加强企业管理,细心、专注服务于金属材料行业。 企业文化 价值观:以宽广、坚毅、执着、自由为企业文化的核心,我们认为,一个胸怀广阔的人必定兼具其他传统美德,一个坚毅、执着的人肯定细致、雷厉风行,而一个向往自由、理解自由的人肯定思维积极、勇于创造,如果一个人真正具备了这四点特质,定是伟人,对于一个企业亦然。 愿景:成为一个集贸易、科研、制造于一体的企业集团。摆脱对进口材料的依赖,而且艾荔艾能够尽到微薄之力。 管理理念:如果说客户是企业的支柱,员工就是基石,员工是艾荔艾有价值的财富。 核心竞争力:专业专注、 质量、 经营范围 我们一直致力于提供优质优价、规格齐全的五金耗材、特殊钢、铜铝材等模具制造业用材,对于特殊型材本司亦可提供订制和代客订购服务。为了保证效的服务,我们在依托电子配送系统的同时还投入大量人力,细化流程分工,并可提供专业的热处理、光板精料加工服务。模具用材:模具钢、不锈钢、镀锌板、铝及铝合金、红铜、普通\特殊黄铜、铍铜、铬铜、钛铜、磷铜。模具五金:国产、日本、欧美各国实力品牌的各种五金工具、模房耗材、模具配件。注:多数产品和规格库存充足,如有需要我司可提供原厂材质证明及海关报关单。 Our Vision: Winning in the Specialty Metals Business by Creating Excellence Through our People. Our Mission: Exceeding the Expectations of Specialty Metals Customers Worldwide, to the Mutual Benefit of our People, Customers, and Suppliers. Ailiai Metallic Material was founded in 2002. Over the past 10 years, the company has enjoyed continuous growth through the expansion of alloys offered, markets served, customer base, geographic growth and acquisitions. All national locations export products around the world; our products are also available through Ailiai Metallic Material divisions in China, Hongkong and America. Commitment to Service Ailiai Metallic Material is committed to quality service for our customers. The hallmark of our success has been superior customer service, with a staff of salespeople, [[meta]]llurgists, and quality control professionals to support the needs of our customers. We stock a large variety of alloys and have extensive processing capabilities, both of which enable us to provide prompt shipment of stock size material and custom cut parts. Commitment to Technology Ailiai Metallic Material is a technically focused organization. Today, a staff of degreed engineers provides our customers with technical expertise in a broad range of applications, helping solve customer's problems on a daily basis. Our extensive laboratory capabilities permit material evaluations, including selective destructive testing. Commitment to Quality Ailiai Metallic Material is committed to quality and was one of the first [[meta]]l suppliers to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification. We have Special Process Approvals and are also; AS9100 certified, GEAE (General Electric Aircraft Engine), Rolls Royce approved, Pratt & Whitney LCS approved, IPPC certified. Customer Satisfaction Survey Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey, we appreciate your feedback.



  • 主营: 上海铸造锡青铜销售,上海10-1锡青铜合金直销,上海进口合金钢
  • 地址: 上海市泗泾工业园九干路166号
  • 联系: 林正则
  • 手机: 13585515596
  • 电话: 021-67660801
  • 邮箱: shailiai@qq.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 4323 次

