


  • 公司: 德州龙向新能源科技有限公司
  • 地址: 山东 德州 德州经济技术开发区苹果园东路
  • 联系: 雒工
  • 手机: 15953788659
  • 电话: 0534-2565522
  • 一键开店

龙向能源革命性创新,研发出全球首台框架式超低速垂直轴风力发电机组,二级风即可运行发电,度电成本仅 0.2 元,五年免维护,使用寿命可达 35 年,同时实现离网发电和抗 15 级台风。完全解决了水平轴风力发电机组依靠电网启动、需要对风、发电不稳定、对电网冲击、故障频繁、运维费用高、回报周期长等问题。机组,未来将替代煤电、水电等传统能源。机组的性能和高可靠性,获得了多项国际专利。该机组可以把 60% 的内陆低风速区风能转换为清洁电能,同时该机组独特的框架式结构,天然地适应乱流和抗 15 级台风的优异表现,为海上风电提供了方案,将为全球风电事业发展作出重要贡献。With Revolutionary Innovation, LOONGPOWER developed the Global First Frame Type Ultra-Low Speed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Our leading technology makes the turbine could generate power in light breeze (2.0m/s) and resist strong typhoon (up to 50m/s), and lower the cost of power-generation to CNY 0.2/kWh. Most importantly, our turbine could stably work OFF-GRID and the lifetime is up to 35 years without repairing in first 5 years. Our wind power solution perfectly settled the problems of horizontal axis turbine, such as grid-dependence, wind direction adaptation, power-supply instability, shock to power grid, frequent error and repairing, high cost of maintenance, long investment cycle and etc.With leading technology, the low-cost power generated by our turbines will replace traditional power, such as coal power, water power etc.. Excellent stability and reliability make our turbine granted with many international Intellectual patent.Our turbine could generate power in 60% low-speed wind area, as well, the unique framework structure makes the turbine resist strong typhoon,and adapt turbulence circumstance,so we provide very good offshore wind power solution. That's a great achievement to wind power industry.



  • 主营: 永磁直驱同步发电机,风力发电水利发电
  • 地址: 山东 德州 德州经济技术开发区苹果园东路
  • 联系: 雒工
  • 手机: 15953788659
  • 电话: 0534-2565522
  • 本站共被浏览过 1159 次

